Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Years Ago

I was in Tallahassee, Florida 10 years ago in a taxi cab on my way to the Capitol when on the radio I heard of the 1st plane crashing the WTC. It seemed like a freak accident but after arriving at the Capitol and waiting in an office for my first appointment, I saw with disbelief the 2nd plane hitting the 2nd building. At that moment, it all became crystal clear, this was no freak accident. Quickly they began to evacuate the building and my thoughts and nerves went to my 1 year old son in Miami.

I remember how hard it was to get calls through to loved ones as the lines were jammed with so much activity. The only thing in my mind was to get back to Miami as fast as possible but no air travel. I remember how strange it was that America's air travel stood still for those days post and how strange it was not to hear any planes fly overhead.

Fortunately, with the help of a few friends we shuttled back to Miami in packed car. I remember hugging my baby the minute I got home and the voice in my head telling me "never forget how precious life is and never forget how envied our freedom is". Those two are worth protecting and fighting for. A profound thank you to all of those who gave their lives that day and to those who continue to help protect our lives and freedom today.

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